Employee Salaries and Qualifications

File Number: 
PB 272 2016
Date Received: 
Applicant Type: 
Request Type: 
ATIPP Decision type: 
Full Disclosure
Summary of Request: 

“I wish to receive the following information:
1] Qualifications / salary of the current DCM[Deputy City Manager] of DPW [Dept Public Works]
1a] Why was the current DCM nominated for this position?
2] Qualifications / salary of the current Roads Manager
2a] Why is this individual in this position?
3] Qualifications / salary of the current Fleet Manager
3a] Why is this individual in this position?
4] Qualifications / salary of the current Water/Waste Water Manager
4a] Why is this individual in this position?
5] Qualifications / salary of the current City HR Manager
5a] Why is this individual in this position?
6] Qualifications / salary of the current HR generalist
6a] Why is this individual in this position?
7] A list of decision makers who placed current DCM in this position and their justifications for action.”