How Can I Be Engaged?

Learn, participate and shape!
The community’s role in the Energy Transition is to become informed about, participate in, and shape programs. The community will review their options and prepare to take advantage of energy transition programs as they become available. The community can help shape our energy transition by participating on committees or working groups; attending public information meetings and asking questions or making suggestions or reaching out to their Councilors–among many other options. 

Stay up-to-date by following engagement opportunities at

The Environment and Sustainability Experts Panel is formed by subject matter experts from our community who provide expertise, opinion, and perspective about environmental and sustainability matters.  This includes the City of St. John’s energy intensity, greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation resilience, and environment.
Organizations as partners and leaders
The energy transition is too large an undertaking for any one organization. There are opportunities for businesses, institutions, associations, and community groups to step up as energy transition program delivery partners or leaders. These organizations can do so by bidding for public projects or by accessing public funding. Organizations can also learn about their own emissions and set organizational net-zero targets, which will contribute to the energy transition. Finally, organizations can lobby higher levels of government for support in their emissions reduction efforts. The City may be able to assist these efforts by:
  • providing letters of support (sometimes required to access funding)
  • sharing know-how to build capacity
  • convening working groups
  • keeping communication channels open and transparent
Make Use of Existing Resources and Grants: