City Parks: Get Into It

Monday, June 10, 2019 - 4:45 PM
black circle with white lettering for slogan Get Into It

This summer the City of St. John’s is encouraging residents to ‘Get Into It’ by discovering and taking advantage of what our parks, playgrounds, trails and open spaces have to offer.

“The City of St. John’s has four municipal parks Bowring, Bannerman, Victoria and Rotary ‘Sunshine’ that are well known and used however there are dozens of community and neighbourhood parks throughout St. John’s that we want to ensure our residents know about and visit,” said Councillor Ian Froude, lead for Public Works. “Many of our neighbourhood parks also connect to a network of trails, including more than 100 kilometres maintained by our Parks division, making it safe and easy be active in St. John’s.”

Throughout the summer the ‘Get Into It’ promotion will feature a lesser utilized park each week, highlighting its amenities and providing active play suggestions for all ages. The City of St. John’s services 138 playgrounds, 23 sports fields, 11 dog parks and eight skate parks and over 3000 hectares of open space.

“The City of St. John’s believes in healthy communities and there’s nothing better for you and your family than getting out to enjoy our parks, playgrounds, sports fields and facilities,” said Jamie Korab, Council lead for Community Services. “When children play outside they move more and for longer, and when in natural environments people experience improved mental health, make social connections and increase energy from outdoor play.”

‘Get Into It’ reinforces the City’s commitment to healthy living, preserving and protecting natural spaces and enhancing quality of life for all residents. This aligns with the City’s strategic goal to increase and improve opportunities for residents to connect with each other and the City.