City Shares Results of Rennie's River Traffic Engagement

Tuesday, May 22, 2018 - 9:15 AM
Dotmocracy Board

During April and May, the City of St. John’s engaged with the public on existing traffic circulation and restrictions in the area of Rennie’s River between Portugal Cove Road and King’s Bridge Road to determine if changes can be made to improve road network connectivity.

“What We Heard” from that engagement process is now available on the City’s website as well as on

In total, the engagement project page received over 1500 visits; 428 valid surveys were completed; 23 comments were submitted electronically; and a total 40 people attended one of the in-person information sessions.

Feedback received from the public will be taken into consideration as the Traffic division presents a report and recommendations to Council for discussion at the Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, May 23, 2018.