To Pee or Not To Pee? Is Your Cat Thinking Outside the Box?

Friday, April 26, 2013 - 2:00 AM
Cat stepping out of litter box

At least 10 percent of all cats develop elimination problems (urinating and/or defecating outside of the litter box) and unfortunately is a common reason for a cat to be relinquished to a shelter or euthanized. As a result many cat owners are left feeling frustrated, helpless and heartbroken. Presented by Dr. Heather Hillier, City of St. John’s Shelter Veterinarian and Dr. Beth Marshall, owner Avalon Animal Hospital (and cat enthusiast), this public information seminar will go through the various reasons that a cat may be eliminating elsewhere - from medical, to alternate toileting, to urine marking.  It will provide owners some tools to help correct the problem.

The free public information seminar will take place in the Foran/Greene Room at City Hall on Sunday, April 28 from 1 to 3 p.m.

Please note that this session will not give specific medical advice or personal consultations to those in attendance.