What We Heard on Website Redevelopment

Thursday, November 21, 2019 - 7:30 AM

The City of St. John’s has released the findings of a recent online survey about the organization’s website, stjohns.ca.

In total, 223 responses were collected over a four-week period from a variety of people with 85% considering the City’s website to be a reliable source of information. Regarding accessing the City’s website - 41% visited the current website once a month or less, 31% visited weekly or several times a week.

The survey provides the web redevelopment team with valuable insight into what visitors to the site are looking for, as well as challenges with the current structure of the site. For example, the most frequently identified area for improvement was navigation; respondents want simpler menu structures, fewer clicks to find information, better grouping of information and more drop-down menus.

All feedback from the survey will be reviewed carefully and considered as the web redevelopment team begins the process of issuing a Request for Proposals to retain a company to work with the City on creating the new site in 2020.

The complete ‘What We Heard’ document as well as updates on this project as they become available can be found at engagestjohns.ca.

The City of St. John’s seeks to create a city where people feel connected, have a sense of belonging and are actively engaged in community life. This project is identified in the Our City, Our Future 2019 Action Plan under the goal of increasing and improving opportunities for residents to connect with each other and the City.