Cycling Master Plan

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The overall intent of the Cycling Plan was to develop a user-friendly network of on-road and off-road facilities primarily for cycling based, non-motorized movement within the City. The network includes trails, bikeways, parks, environmental and recreation corridors, as well as designated streets that work together to provide alternative and desirable methods for moving around St. John’s with the system working in a cohesive and integrated manner.
The  goal of the initiative was to create a well-connected, safe and functional Cycling Plan. The Plan was intended to meet the needs of all age groups and user types by enhancing choices and opportunities for multi-modal travel and recreational pursuits that promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Throughout its implementation, the Cycling Plan will enhance facilities for current cyclists, as well as create a network that is responsive and attractive to new users. The intent is to increase ridership and develop cycling as a viable travel alternative for residents and visitors.

Check it out at Bike St. John's.

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