Pumpkin Walk at Bannerman Park

Monday, October 17, 2022 - 11:45 AM
Several pumpkins are carved and illuminated on the ground at a park. Orange text at the top of the image says 'Pumpkin Walk'.

On Tuesday, Nov. 1, you’re invited to display your Jack O’ Lantern (pumpkin) at Bannerman Park and participate in the Pumpkin Walk - a magnificent Halloween themed event that includes music and performances. A light source will be provided for your pumpkin.

Event time: 5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Sensory friendly hour: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Back-up Date (in case of inclement weather): Nov. 2

Accessible Parking
Accessible parking spaces will be available in the main parking lot off Bannerman Road during the event. For details on accessibility features, visit the event description on the city’s website.

Pumpkin Drop-Off
Starting at 8 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 1, you can drop off your pumpkin at Bannerman Park in advance. Following the event, all Pumpkins will be composted at Robin Hood Bay Regional Waste Management facility.