Public Notices

November 15, 2013

Pursuant to Sections 10 and 14 (2) of the St. John’s Downtown Business Improvement Area By-Law, the election to the Downtown Development Commission (DDC) Board of Management will take place on...

November 05, 2013

The City of St. John’s will hold a Public Meeting to discuss the proposed rezoning of land at 640-646 Empire Avenue from the Residential Low Density (R1) Zone and the Apartment...

October 29, 2013
October 28, 2013

A Change of Non-Conforming Use Application has been submitted requesting permission to occupy a portion of civic number 29 Howley Avenue Extension to accommodate a barber and hair...

October 21, 2013

A Discretionary Use application has been submitted to operate an 'Aquaculture' use on land adjacent to 90 Pearltown Road as a Discretionary Use in the Agriculture (AG) Zone. The...

October 16, 2013

The City of St. John's is currently in the implementation phase of the traffic calming plan for Carrick Drive. Residents who would like to get more information about traffic calming may visit the...

October 15, 2013

The St. John’s Municipal Council adopted St. John’s Municipal Plan Amendment Number 117, 2013 and the St. John’s Development Regulations Amendment Number 581, 2013 at its regular meeting held on...

October 15, 2013

An application has been submitted to rezone property located at civic numbers 48-56 Bay Bulls Road. The property owner seeks to rezone the site from Residential Low Density (R1)...

October 15, 2013

A Change of Non-Conforming Use Application has been submitted requesting permission to convert 750 square feet of commercial space (Hobo’s Pizza) located at civic no. 227 Empire Avenue...

October 07, 2013

Please Note:  This Application has been deferred to the...
