Special Events & Festivals Grant Application Available

Monday, January 13, 2014 - 4:30 PM

Each year the City of St. John’s awards grants to local organizations in support of their work to organize and deliver special events and festivals for citizens and visitors. The City of St. John’s Special Events and Festivals Grant applications are now available.
“These special events and festivals build community spirit, foster positive community relations, and enhance our tourism industry, while enriching the quality of life of our residents and visitors” says Councillor Bernard Davis, Chair of the Community Services and Housing Committee. “In 2013 we provided support to 20 events and festivals and we look forward to receiving applications for this year’s $100,000 program.”
Special Events and Festivals Grants are multi-faceted programs of one or more days produced by a not-for-profit organization with broad community participation, established participants/audiences, significant potential attendance, and identifiable community and/or economic impacts. 
Special Events or Festivals should offer participants a unique experience and build on community. They include existing and established events, emerging special events, or one time only events. Organizers may apply for funding grants and/or in-kind assistance.
The deadline for applications is Friday, Feb. 7, 2014 at 4 p.m. Applications are available online at www.stjohns.ca  under ‘Forms and Applications’ in the ‘Events’ section; or in person at the Department of Community Services (348 Water Street or 1 Crosbie Place).
For further information:
Shelley Pardy
Communication and Public Relations Officer
City of St. John’s
Phone: (709) 576-4510
Cell:  (709) 699-4091
E-mail: communications@stjohns.ca
Councillor Bernard Davis
Chair, Community Services and Housing Committee
City of St. John’s
Phone: (709) 576-8217
E-mail: bdavis@stjohns.ca