Nexter Wanted for Arts Advisory Committee

Wed, 2014/05/07 - 4:30pm

Next Up! places Nexters (adults aged 19 to 35) on City of St. John’s Advisory Committees. Advisory committees provide advice and recommendations to Council on a wide variety of issues and policies.

Why We Need You

As a Nexter, you have a unique perspective. Your skill set, experience and passion will bring fresh ideas to the table and help invigorate the discussion and debate. 

Why You Should Apply

This is an opportunity to make a valuable contribution to your City. It’s your chance to participate in the decisions and policies that shape your hometown. You can make a difference.

What Commitment is Required

You will participate as a full member of the Advisory Committee. You will attend regularly scheduled meetings and lend your voice and experience to the discussion. 

Which Committee is Available

At the present time, we are seeking applications for the Arts Advisory Committee. Committee members are volunteers and as such no financial remuneration is provided.
The Arts Advisory Committee’s purpose is to advise Council and City staff on matters relevant to the arts and cultural industries, and to provide a key communication and working link between Council and the community. As well, the committee oversees or provides consultation toward the implementation of the Municipal Arts Plan and municipal corporate policies which may affect arts and culture. Membership consists of representatives from the various sectoral arts organizations, as well as City Council, City staff and representatives from business and the community at large.
Meetings:  Generally bi-monthly. Most often scheduled during the noon hour.
Length of Term: Three years

How to apply: You must be between the ages of 19 and 35 and be a resident of the City of St. John’s. E-mail a copy of your resume with a short cover letter to as your application

Ensure your resume includes:

  • Complete address and contact information, including your daytime telephone number and e-mail;
  • Date of birth;
  • At least one reference that is not a family member.

Your cover letter should indicate:

  • Why you would like to serve on the Arts Advisory Committee.
  • What you think you can bring to the discussion. 
  • When to apply: We must receive your application no later than May 7, 2014. We will e-mail you a confirmation of receipt.

How candidates will be selected:
The selection will be made by the Arts Advisory Committee and ratified by Council. Once the selection process is completed, all applicants will be contacted. Successful candidates will be provided with background information prior to attending their first meeting.
Questions: If you have any questions e-mail us at