Application - 2864 Trans-Canada Highway

Tue, 2014/05/13 - 12:00pm

A Discretionary Use Application has been submitted by Newfoundland Soiltec Inc. to operate a Soil Remediation Facility at 2864 Trans-Canada Highway in the area known as the Harbour Arterial Quarry Area (HAQA).
The proposed operation would entail the rectifying of spent drilling mud from offshore oil production operations. The site is located in the Mineral Working Zone under the St. John's Development Regulations.

This application may be viewed at the Department of Planning, Development and Engineering, third floor, St. John’s City Hall. For further information or to view this application, please phone (709) 576-8220, or e-mail

Any person wishing to make a submission on this application must provide a signed written statement to the Office of the City Clerk by noon, Tuesday, May 13, 2014, either by mail: P.O. Box 908, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5M2; fax: (709) 576-8474 or e-mail: Written submissions received will become a matter of public record and will be included in the Agenda for the Regular Meeting of Council on Tuesday, May 20, 2014, at which time Council is scheduled to make a decision on this application.The proposed operation would entail the rectifying of spent drilling mud from offshore oil production operations. The site is located in the Mineral Working Zone under the St. John's Development Regulations.