Cancelled - Public Hearing - 48-56 Bay Bulls Road

Wed, 2014/05/21 - 7:00pm

No submissions were received by the deadline date. Therefore, in accordance with the Urban and Rural Planning Act, this public hearing is cancelled.


The St. John's Municipal Council adopted St. John’s Municipal Plan Amendment Number 125, 2014 and St. John’s Development Regulations Amendment Number 598, 2014 at its Regular Meeting held on February 24, 2014 and hereby gives notice of its intent to seek registration of the amendments from the Minister of Municipal Affairs in accordance with the Urban and Rural Planning Act.

The effect of the St. John’s Municipal Plan Amendment Number 125, 2014 would be re-designate the land located on Bay Bulls Road from the Residential Low Density (RLD) and Open Space (O) Districts to the Residential Low Density (RLD). This will require a Municipal Plan amendment.

The effect of St. John’s Development Regulations Amendment Number 598, 2014 would be to rezone the land located on Bay Bulls Road from the Residential Low Density (R1) and Open Space Reserve (OR) zones to the Residential Medium Density (R2) zone. This will require an amendment to the Development Regulations.

The amendments are in reference to an application submitted to the City of St. John's to rezone the subject property located at 48-56 Bay Bulls Road in order to allow the construction of 10 semi-detached residential lots. Please see the plan linked in 'Background Information' below showing the application property.


Background Information