Positive Thinker Club - Raven Warren

Saturday, November 28, 2020 - 10:00am to 11:00am

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

Register in advance for this meeting:


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Topic Description: Practicing compassion toward ourselves and others is about more than just kindness. It is also about judgement-free exploring, accepting or rejecting challenging thought patterns, and sustaining connections that help us grow. Sometimes we have to get creative to practice each of these.

Biography: Raven is a mother and mental health advocate with 10 years of experience providing therapeutic support to individuals and families through her various professional roles, including Counsellor (C.C.C), Child and Youth Care Worker, and Program Coordinator. Raven has a BA with a major in Psychology and a MEd in Counselling Psychology, from Memorial University.

She has led individual sessions and group workshops on topics including Trauma-Informed Care, Healthy Relationships, Managing Stress and Anxiety, Art-Informed Therapy, Career Counselling and Crisis Response. Engaging in a person-centred and strengths-based approach, Raven is passionate about utilizing creativity to provide culturally sensitive, accessible and individualized support to marginalized populations.

CHECK US OUT AT www.positivethinkersclub.ca for further details.