355 Main Road -Jungle Jims Shamrock City

Mon, 2013/12/16 - 4:30pm

A Discretionary Use Application has been submitted requesting municipal approval to establish and operate a Jungle Jim's Restaurant and a Shamrock City Restaurant at Civic No. 355 Main Road (Bidgood's Plaza). The total floor area of the Jungle Jim's side is 126.5m2, with 71.8m2 of seating area, and the Shamrock City side has a total floor area of 102.5m2,with 25.7m2 of seating area. Both restaurants will be sharing a kitchen which is 74.7m2. The Restaurant has proposed operating hours of seven days a week from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. The total number of staff employed at the restaurant would be fourteen, with a maximum of eight employees per shift. The applicant is also requesting a Restaurant Liquor serving license for both restaurants. Adequate on-site parking is provided.

This application may be viewed at the Department of Planning, Development and Engineering, third floor, St. John’s City Hall. For further information or to view this application, please phone (709) 576-8220, or e-mail planning@stjohns.ca.

Any person wishing to make a submission on this application must provide a signed written statement to the Office of the City Clerk by noon, Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2013, either by mail: P.O. Box 908, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5M2; fax: (709) 576-8474 or e-mail: cityclerk@stjohns.ca. Written submissions received will become a matter of public record and will be included in the agenda for the regular meeting of Council on Monday, Dec. 16, 2013, at which time Council is scheduled to make a decision on this application.