Cancelled - Public Hearing - Bergeron Place/Groves Road

Wed, 2014/02/26 - 7:00pm

No submissions were received by the deadline date. Therefore, in accordance with the Urban and Rural Planning Act, the public hearing was cancelled.
The purpose of St. John’s Municipal Plan Amendment No. 122, 2013 is to redesignate land that is situated in the area of the corner of Groves Road and Bergeron Place from the Rural (RUR) District to the Residential Low Density (RLD) District in order to permit development of a residential building lot for a single detached house.

The purpose of the St. John’s Development Regulations Amendment No. 593, 2013 is to rezone land that is situated in the area of the corner of Groves Road and Bergeron Place from the Rural Residential Infill (RRI) Zone to the Residential Medium Density (R2) Zone in order to permit development of a residential building lot for a single detached house.

The St. John’s Municipal Council, having adopted the above noted amendments to the St. John’s Municipal Plan and the St. John’s Development Regulations at its Regular Meeting held on February 3, 2014, hereby gives notice of its intent to seek registration of the Proposed Amendments from the Minister of Municipal Affairs in accordance with Section 16 of the Urban and Rural Planning Act.

The amendments noted are prompted by an application from the owner of the subject property.

The proposed amendments may be viewed at the Department of Planning, Development and Engineering, third floor, St. John’s City Hall. To view these amendments or for further information, please phone (709) 576-8220, or e-mail:

A Public Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2014, 7 p.m. in the Foran/Greene Room, fourth Floor, City Hall. The Public Hearing will be conducted by an independent Commissioner appointed by Council. Any person wishing to make a submission on the proposed amendments must provide a signed written statement to the Office of the City Clerk by 4:30 pm, Monday, Feb. 24, 2014, either by mail: P.O. Box 908, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5M2; fax: (709) 576-8474 or e-mail: Written submissions received will become a matter of public record. If no written objections to the amendments are received by the deadline noted, the public hearing for these amendments may be cancelled by the City in accordance with the provisions of the Urban and Rural Planning Act.

Background Information