Street Lighting

The majority of the street lighting in the City of St. John's is owned and maintained by Newfoundland Power. The City of St. John's is a customer and is charged a monthly fee for this service.

Frequently Asked Questions
When a street light is not working properly who can I report the problem to?
You can report the problem to Newfoundland Power directly through their web page. You can also contact a Newfoundland Power customer service representative at (709) 737-2802.

I have just moved into a new subdivision and there is little or no street lighting. How can I get additional lighting on my street?
Whenever the City of St. John's approves a new subdivision there is always an approved lighting plan that goes with it. As the subdivision develops Newfoundland Power will install the lighting in accordance with the approved plan as soon as it is possible to do so. Most street lights get their electrical feeds from the distribution lines at the rear of the building lots of the subdivision. This feed is normally buried underground on an easement between two building lots and is not installed until construction is underway on both adjacent lots. Depending on the progress of the development, there can be some delays in getting all the street lighting installed.

I have concerns about the street lighting in certain areas of the City. Who can I talk to about the problem?
The City of St. John's endeavours to maintain an acceptable standard for street lighting in all its urban areas. Concerns are evaluated on an individual basis in consultation with Newfoundland Power.