Genealogical and Family History Research

Birth, marriage and death records:
The City of St. John's Archives does not house records that relate to births, marriages or deaths.
For pre-1892 records, we suggest you start your search at The Rooms Provincial Archives.  They can also be reached via E-mail:
For birth, marriage and death records after 1892, we suggest you contact the Provincial Department of Vital Statistics.
The collections at The Rooms Provincial Archives also contain some post 1892 records.  You can contact them for details.
How we can assist:
Although the City of St. John’s Archives does not collect genealogical records, if your family lived in St. John’s, the following sources can help fill some gaps in your search:

  • City Directories, 1885-2000, with gaps in the early years
  • Assessment rolls, 1891-current
  • Insurance Plans, 1880-1963, with gaps
  • Deeds, 1830-1980s
  • St. John’s maps, from the 1830s
  • Voter’s Lists, 1911-1966, restricted public access post 1966
  • St. John's Rotary Club biographies, 1921-current
  • City payroll records, 1904-1910

These records can help determine where your family lived, how long they lived there and if they owned the property they lived in.  As well, our various secondary sources may provide biographies and histories of the area or street where your family may have lived.  Finally, the City Archives houses an extensive photograph collection (from 1860s) that may show your family’s street and/or house. 
Other Genealogical Resources
Newfoundland Grand Banks
Library and Archives Canada
Newfoundland and Labrador Gen Web
Newfoundland Olive Tree
Roots Web
Family Search
Federation of Newfoundland Indians
Other Useful Links:
Other Newfoundland Archives

For a complete listing of various achives in Newfoundland and Labrador that may be useful in your search, visit the Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Archives website. 
Dictionary of Newfoundland English
Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador
School Transcripts
For copies of school transcripts, please contact the Department of Education.
For enquiries concerning prior adoptions, please contact the Government of Newfoundland.