​Art Procurement: Virtual Display

Monday, March 08, 2021 - 7:30 AM
painting of an old wooden barn that is dilapidated and leaning as if about to fall down. the barn is in the middle of a green & gold field with the sky behind the barn glowing red, orange and blue from a setting sun.

This week, the City of St. John’s will be featuring local artwork on its social media channels, to share the new additions to the Civic Art Collection obtained during the 2020 Art Procurement Program, valued at approximately $20,000.

The City is committed to supporting arts and culture, and invests annually in developing new public art, hiring local performers, and providing grants to the local arts community.

The arts community contributes greatly to the quality of life for our residents, the enhanced livability of our City, and to the local economy.

Follow the City on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram as we share the collection and feature local artists from March 8 to 12.