City Introduces Strategic Plan Results Dashboard, Tables 2019 Report

Monday, March 09, 2020 - 11:15 AM
Strategic plan logo 'Our City, Our Future'

The public can now track progress on the City’s Strategic Plan, Our City, Our Future 2019-2029, in real time via a new online Results Dashboard. The dashboard provides information on how work is progressing, which initiatives are complete, on track for completion, or are behind or overdue. The dashboard complements the written reports submitted to Council on a quarterly basis.

“The dashboard allows us to share progress on our strategic plan in real-time, offering greater transparency and accountability for outcomes,” explained Mayor Danny Breen. “This plan is an important component of our long-term vision which guides our decisions to create the kind of city we want to be. The four overarching strategic directions, ten goals and related annual initiatives set the course for how we reach that vision, so it is important for the public to know how we are doing on those plans.”

The Results Dashboard includes information on all initiatives in the plan. For each year of the plan, new initiatives are added. Of the 62 initiatives outlined for 2019 nearly two thirds or 63% are complete or on track and 37% are behind or overdue. All items noted as behind or overdue are now scheduled for completion in 2020. Written commentary on each of these initiatives can be found here.

There are 45 new initiatives scheduled to begin in 2020.

  • Under the Sustainable City direction, there are further actions to advance the City’s new Sustainability Plan; development of a Heritage Plan; implementation of a new Economic Development Plan; and the creation of partnerships and support to enable the technology start-up sector.
  • Under A City that Moves, new initiatives include implementation of the recommendations from the Public Transit Review; implementation of projects from the Road Safety Initiative Report; and starting the Kelly’s Brook Trail design process (as part of the Bike St. John’s Master Plan).
  • New initiatives under the Connected City direction, include development of a Landlord Registry; conducting innovative-housing workshops; and completing a detailed design for the H.G.R. Mews Centre replacement.
  • There are many initiatives continuing or new under an Effective City, including data collection for asset management; rolling out the new Respectful Workplace policy; and a number of continuous improvement initiatives to improve such things as the development application process and the assessment process. 

“Continuous improvement forms a key component of our strategy and is an important tool for the organization to make processes more efficient and in turn to deliver more value to residents,” said Mayor Breen. “With ten major projects underway and more than 500 staff receiving training, continuous improvement efforts are making important and meaningful changes in our operations.”

For full details on the city’s accountability framework, visit the city’s website.