Compost Awareness Week

Monday, May 03, 2021 - 5:30 AM
compostable material: vegetable peelings from carrot and potato, some leafy green vegetable scraps and egg shells

Compost Awareness Week, May 2-8, is a great time to learn more about backyard composting.

For about a dozen years the City of St. John's, with the MUN Botanical Garden and the MMSB, have offered free backyard compost sessions and lower cost bins for St. John’s residents.

During COVID-19 restrictions, the free sessions have moved online – thanks to the composting experts at the MUN Botanical Garden.  

Watch the short-video segment sessions at a time that is convenient for you - at

Once the Composting Made Easy! tutorial is complete, forward a copy of the certificate to for details on how to purchase a subsidized backyard compost bin.

an illustration of a tree including roots in the ground that are intertwined with compostable items