Fast Facts on Season Ticket Sales at Mile One

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 - 1:15 PM
Mile One Logo with star and slogan live it live!

This past week, Mile One Centre (MOC) began reaching out to previous season ticket holders for the St. John’s Edge to determine if those individuals would like to maintain their season tickets for the Newfoundland Rogues.

Over the years, individuals who have supported teams with season tickets consider the location of seats seriously. Mile One respects the commitment season ticket holders make to sport in our facility and wants to give them the first option on whether or not they would like to maintain their seats. So, the approach has always been to reach out and communicate with them to see if they want their seats rather than just release the seats to the general public.

This is not a new practice. In fact, St. John's Sports and Entertainment, Ltd. follows this same process every time a new tenant comes to MOC.  

  • When the Fog Devils came in 2005, they communicated with all the Leafs season ticket holders to confirm whether or not they wanted their season seats for the Fog Devils.  
  • When the IceCaps came in 2011, they contacted all the Leafs and Fog Devils season ticket holders and asked if they wished to purchase season tickets for the IceCaps.  
  • When the Edge came in 2017, they reached out to IceCaps season ticket holders and asked them if they wanted to purchase their "hockey seats" for basketball.  
  • And when the Growlers came in 2018, they contacted all the IceCaps season ticket holders (first by mass email, and then a follow up call to those who did not respond to the email) to confirm whether or not they wanted their seats. 

Why are Mile One Staff making these calls instead of the teams?
The list of season ticket holders for sports franchises operating out of Mile One belongs to St. John’s Sports and Entertainment (SJSEL), not the teams. The information originates with SJSEL and is shared with the teams under the terms of an Information Sharing Agreement.

Once all previous season ticket holders have been contacted to determine whether or not they want to purchase their usual season seats for Rogues games, Mile One will release all remaining seats to the general public for sale.

The box office staff at SJSEL will continue to do the incredible work they have always done, with a customer-first approach.