Introducing... Advantage St. John's

Friday, June 04, 2021 - 11:30 AM
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The beautiful and historic City of St. John’s is positioned on the edge of Canada, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, from which we draw not only our sense of place but also our position in the global economy.

Did you know that St. John’s has one of the highest concentrations of specialized marine companies operating in one area in the country?

St. John’s is an edgy, innovative and modern city, ripe with opportunity for future generations and we’re taking a stand and taking our place on the leading edge of the world’s ocean technology centres.

This week as we celebrate World Ocean's Day,  will be featuring St. John’s as a national leader in ocean technology, and we’re taking this opportunity to launch a new place marketing strategy. Today, government organizations commonly adopt ‘place marketing’ to amplify their economic development messaging.

We’ve chosen the name “Advantage” to drive home the many advantages of living and working in our city, an ocean city powerhouse.

The home of Canada’s Ocean Supercluster , one fifth of Canada’s ocean economy resides in this province, and St. John’s is one of the best places in the world to receive an advanced education in the study of marine/oceans engineering.

Learn more on the St. John’s Advantage. Visit and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.