Learn about the Different Pedestrian Signals in St. John’s

Tuesday, August 23, 2022 - 8:45 AM
Walk signal at a crossing intersection

Signalized intersections are designed with a pedestrian walk signal for the safety of pedestrians crossing the street. There are a total of 113 signalized intersections in the city programmed with a pedestrian walk signal. However, they are not all like.

The pedestrian signal at signalized intersections can be configured in two ways:

  • Pedestrian actuation mode – the walk light is activated when a person pushes the button.
  • Pedestrian recall (automated) mode – a call for walk signal is placed automatically in every cycle without a need for pressing the push button. Pedestrian recall is appropriate in areas with high pedestrian volume where someone is crossing the street at almost every light cycle. 

A walk signal configured with pedestrian actuation mode (the walk light is activated when a person pushes the button).

Accessible Pedestrian Signals

To improve accessibility for people with vision loss, traditional traffic signals can be equipped with additional features known as Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS). Typically, APS provide audible and vibrotactile indications that act as the walk signal for people with vision loss. The APS walk sound is activated once a pedestrian presses a push button and holds it for 3 seconds installed as part of the pedestrian signal.

Accessible Pedestrian Signals (APS)​ in St. John's.

Pedestrain Core

In November 2020, a pedestrian “core” area was identified as area that should have signalized intersections on full time pedestrian recall mode.

The pedestrian core area includes 30 signalized intersections, of which 29 are on pedestrian recall mode. The intersection of Harvey Road/Long’s Hill/LeMarchant Road was switched back to its normal timing plan to facilitate transit operations. See below map of pedestrian core.

Did you know?

  • There are APS installed at 21 intersections dispersed across the city.
  • Outside the pedestrian core, there are 83 signalized intersections. 30 of these signalized intersections switch to pedestrian recall mode for the winter season.

If you are interested in learning more about pedestrian safety, visit our website about pedestrian signals and accessibility.

The City Council  will also be discussing our approach this year for the City’s pedestrian signals at Council Meeting on August 23, see item 8.4.