New Times for Downtown Street Cleaning Begins on May 1

Thursday, April 28, 2022 - 8:15 AM
Photo of a truck cleaning a Downtown Street

The scheduled overnight street cleaning in the Downtown will now take place with new times between the hours of 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. The program starts on Sunday, May 1 and continues to Friday, September 23. Vehicles must be removed from streets scheduled for cleaning.

Unlike snow removal, the downtown street cleaning schedule is pre-determined for the entire season. It is the driver’s responsibility to look up when the street is scheduled for cleaning and to move their vehicle(s) accordingly; the City of St. John’s does not post signs for street cleaning.

On the scheduled street cleaning dates, vehicles must be removed from the affected streets by 10 p.m. and cannot be returned until 6 a.m. the following morning, regardless of whether street cleaning has taken place. Failure to remove the vehicle may result in a ticket being issued.

Find out when your street will be cleaned by any of the following ways:

View Searchable Street List 
Search by address or date so you know where and when not to park in an area. Find the web page at>Quick Links >Street Cleaning.

Subscribe to our e-update
Receive an email, including a map, on the day your street is scheduled for cleaning at>Quick Links >e-updates.

Find out what streets are scheduled for cleaning each night. All streets are listed and shown on a map. The colours indicate if it’s both sides of your street or just one (odd or even house numbers).

Not online?
Call Access St. John’s at 311 or 709-754-CITY (2489) to get your street cleaning dates or request a paper copy.

Street cleaning is an important program as it removes dirt and debris that has accumulated on the roads during the winter months. It also reduces the amount of debris going into our City’s storm sewers and helps prevent damage to City infrastructure.