Our London Family

Tuesday, June 22, 2021 - 6:00 AM

On Friday, June 18, Mayor Danny Breen and Deputy Mayor Sheilagh O’Leary represented the City of St. John’s at a rally hosted by local community groups in front of the Masjid-al-Noor Mosque in St. John's to remember the victims of an Islamophobic attack in London, Ontario earlier this month.

Members of Council and staff at the City of St. John’s denounce anti-Muslim sentiments and Islamophobia in our community and stand with “Our London Family.” Our hearts are with our Muslim neighbours and our thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones hurt by this terrorist attack. 

Our vision for St. John’s is of a connected community where individuals can live in harmony and peace.

We applaud efforts underway by the provincial government to establish a Ministerial Committee on Anti-Racism and will support efforts to increase tolerance through our own Inclusion Advisory Committee.