Parking Meters No Longer Accepting Credit Cards

Monday, August 20, 2018 - 3:45 PM

The City’s parking meter supplier has advised that they are moving their credit card processing to a more current cellular network. As a result, the City’s current meters, which use the 2G cellular network, will no longer be capable of processing credit cards as of Monday, August 27. All parking meters will be clearly marked to indicate the change.

Credit card payments will be accepted in the near future as PayByPhone will soon be expanded to provide an additional payment option at metered spaces throughout the City.  Also, in 2019, the City will purchase new meter hardware which will accept credit card payments, in addition to coins.

Earlier this year City Council approved a five-year Paid Parking Management Strategy that will inform the long-term plan for upgrading and replacing parking meters. The report recommendations include hardware upgrades, the introduction of PayByPhone, and establishing a cashless system as an end goal for paid parking in the City of St. John’s. The Paid Parking Management Strategy is available online.