Questions and Answers on the SJSEL Issue

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 - 5:15 AM

As many are aware, on October 25 Deacon Sports and Entertainment Limited (DSE) was informed that employees of St. John’s Sports and Entertainment Limited (SJSEL) had brought forward allegations of disrespectful workplace conduct against staff at DSE. Following this notification, more allegations came forward, and on October 26 the SJSEL Board and City Council staff met to discuss the actions the Board could take. The Board considered the nature of the allegations against the Growlers’ organization and the fact that the Board has a legal duty under legislation to provide a safe workplace for its employees and protect them from potential further harm. Based on the circumstances, the decision was made to suspend DSE from access to the building until the matter could be investigated by an independent investigator. This is now underway. 

SJSEL has received a notice of arbitration from DSE. It’s unfortunate that the details of the notice, which tell one-side of the story and are not proven, have been made public. This tactic is very unhelpful in bringing resolution to a very complex matter. Given we are now in a legal process, we will respectfully limit comment as we prepare to participate in the arbitration.

In recent days, several questions and comments have been raised. The attached questions and answers help to clarify some misinformation and questions we have been asked.