St. John’s Recognizes National Housing Day

Friday, November 20, 2020 - 5:45 AM

November 22 is National Housing Day in Canada.

Recognized by municipalities and other organizations across the country since 1998, National Housing Day raises awareness that having a safe, secure home is a basic human right and a key pathway out of poverty. Affordable Housing is a sound public investment that contributes to resident well-being and the economy and is a foundation for a safe, prosperous and healthy community.

The City of St. John’s recognizes this important day and celebrates with partners in the housing sector who work across the municipality, province and country to ensure everyone has the dignity of a home. We believe it will take a collective effort from all levels of government and community partners to be a vibrant, inclusive and thriving city with a wide range of affordable housing options and we celebrate that collaboration with a new video highlighting community partnerships in the housing sector.

The City of St. John’s has adopted a ten-year Affordable Housing Strategy to create solutions across the housing continuum. The strategy was developed and is being led by the Affordable Housing Working Group which includes representation from all levels of government, the community sector and private industry.