Kenmount Concept Plan

Publication Date: 
Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The attached report is a DRAFT REPORT and has not been adopted by Council. The City of St. John’s makes no representations whatsoever as to the information contained therein or as to the accuracy of the information contained therein.

Moved – Councillor Burton; Seconded – Councillor Hanlon
That Council approve the following recommendation in relation to item # 6:
Decision Note dated February 7, 2018 re: Kenmount Concept Plan for Lands above 190 Metres  
6. Recommendation: That Council approve the following recommendations:
1. Undertake public engagement and specifically landowner engagement to present the draft plan and solicit feedback on it. Use this feedback to consider modifications to the plan prior to adoption.
2. Do not adopt this draft plan until such time as:
a. Public feedback is received and considered.
b. The water supply analysis determines in more detail the limit of development in the region based on the current supply.
c. The new development regulations and wetland study are complete to ensure that this plan aligns with those overarching documents.
d. The road connections can be further investigated, in particular the connection to the south side of Kenmount Road through an existing commercial property.
3. Proceed with a more detailed assessment of the suggested key road network improvements based on the calibrated traffic model.
4. Advance a plan for the identification and future construction of an additional water supply for the region.